Mission statement

The aim of pock is to develop, through the incentives of responsibility, ownership and involvement, an international community of young people, providing those with something to say, a forum in which to say it. This objective has grown from the realisation that conventional media, including the web (until now) rarely fulfils this need and is in turn increasingly banal, dumbed-down brain-candy.

With Pock’s support, we can help create change. Pock, an on and offline line community, will serve as a global forum in which to communicate and to express views. With Pock as our platform, we will be able to communicate efficiently across the world and to organise at the mass-level, therefore assisting to bring about change. Sure, you’ve heard it before. But if this interests you, then perhaps you should ignore your skepticism and read on.

Pock will be owned and maintained by a world-wide network of contributors and users in 25 countries. Content will consist of what interests you and will be written by you: activists can speak their mind, travelers can offer advice and meet each other, artists can display their portfolios and tech gurus can demonstrate their wares.

Pock provides the forum, assists with info to help organise events, where it can will act as a corporate bridge and manage the international network. You provide the content and speak your mind. Pock is about unity and, through unity, youth empowerment.

Pock is for us. Pock is being created for young people, by young people.

We are motivated; we are aware/educated and more informed. We are the future. But across the world, we are fragmented. As individuals, we lack the money and the experience to wield a voice in the world today. But together, we are an extremely powerful consumer group and, more important, we set the trends. It’s a hyper-competitive market, and we’re the focus. And we can take responsible and ethical advantage of this.

Here’s where changing the world becomes a reality.

While we object to and rebel against the degree to which corporations exercise power, corporate culture has been embracing youth values. In other words, our potential power has grown despite the emergence of massive global corporations. Both parties need each other, and the more feedback we offer to businesses, the greater their competitive edge, which is why we will be heard.

But the right to be heard includes neither the right to be taken seriously nor the ability to enforce change. If corporations want us to give them our feedback and our money, then they had better give us what we want. We achieve this by coming together, by working together, and by knowing that we are together. After all, we are financially and politically powerful in numbers.

We can achieve this through Pock, and gain what we desire and deserve: opportunity, responsibility and respect.

Of course, as an online/offline “power” community, we are also social. After all, we are not only interested in respect and in bringing about change, but also in what interests us at the social level: clubs, music, fashion, travel, news, sports, and chat.

Unlike most sites, Pock is about unity on several levels. We launch later this year, so keep your eyes and minds open. The way is being paved, the excuses are gone. Be involved.

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